Boon Doc Dually- 2005 Sorrel Stallion- AQHA #4682248

Mr. San Peppy
Peppy San Badger
Dual Pep Sugar Badger
Doc's Remedy
Miss Dual Doc
Miss Brooks Bar
Doc Bar
Boon Bar
Boontessa Teresa Tivio
Colonel Freckles
Colonel's Daughter
Jealous Bal

“Dually” has the exceptional disposition, conformation & pedigree we strive for in our program.
Customers are loving his colts-they are smart, willing, athletic & versatile.
Dually headlined the great breeding program of NCHA Futurity Winner Shannon Hall of Oklahoma, siring 40 colts which are displaying exceptional, minds, muscle & bone. The Halls currently have a Dually son in cutting training that is showing great promise. Dually was also once owned by NCHA Hall of Fame member Bobby Pidgeon.
By the great Dual Pep (NCHA LTE $307,384) out of Boontessa (NCHA LTE $10,000) Dually’s pedigree is full of legendary horses-you couldn’t write it any better. We are honoured to own a stallion of this caliber.
Reference Sire
Some Little Peppy
1992 Stallion-deceased- AQHA#3148952

Mr. San Peppy
Peppy San Badger
Sugar Badger
Doc Bar
Something Lovely
Irish Bambino